
Hollywood, Health and Society (HHS)- PT. 1: Turning TV and films into tools for change

The best session I attended at World Future Society was called “Conscious Evolution”.  The overall theme was leveraging the arts and broadcast media to create positive change in society.  Who knew? One of the panelists was Sandra de Castro Buffington, Director of Hollywood Health & Society program at the USC Annenberg Norman Lear Center.  A Read the full article…

What I did in my “spare”(!) time…

The last several weeks I’ve been totally immersed in helping organize TEDxBayArea TEDWomen (designed to coincide with the first global TEDWomen event in Wash, DC).  We had about 150 attendees plus an unknown number watching the livestream.  Breaks were filled with energized conversations about all manner of topics.  It was an exciting day. Like the Read the full article…

Confidence and the Brain

Back in the 70’s, the only identified biological difference in cognitive ability between men and women was spatial visualization.  That is, in general, males are better at mentally manipulating  two-and three-dimensional figures. We also knew that the corpus callosum that connects the 2 halves of the brain is thicker in females than males meaning the Read the full article…

What are Innovators made of? Not sugar & spice…

Lately, I’ve been digging through data and interviews related to the book on Gender and Innovation that I’m working on with Jacqueline Byrd.  The bulk of the data comes from 10,000+ respondents to Creatrix, an instrument created by Jacqueline.  As for interviews,  so far we’ve completed 20 (12 women and 8 men).  As unique and Read the full article…

Who are WASPs & why were they awarded the Congressional Gold Medal?

Late last week, Congress awarded the Women Airforce Service Pilots (WASPs) the Congressional Gold Medal, its highest civilian award.  Better late than never.  The latter part of WWII, 1943-44, 1074 women flew non-combat missions in support of the war.  I’m embarrassed to admit that until they were honored, I had not heard of this group Read the full article…

Why aren’t there more women entrepreneurs in SV?

Great question- posed by Claire Cain Miller of the NY Times to start a group interview of  Gina Bianchini (Co-Founder & CEO, Ning), Monica Morse (Board member, Astia), Rashmi Sinha (Co-Founder & CEO, Slideshare), Cindy Padnos (Founder & CEO. Illuminate Ventures and author of the well-researched white paper High Performance Entrepreneurs: Women in High Tech), Read the full article…

Overlooking opportunity that’s very visible

During a 2001 company workshop, Volvo employees heard an expert on marketing to women say that women wanted the same things men wanted in a car- and more.  According to an article in Edmunds, the consultant said “When you meet the expectations of women, you exceed the expectations of men.” The fact that women influenced Read the full article…

The Assessment of a Wo/Man – What a difference gender makes

According to the just released White House Project: Benchmarking Women’s Leadership, despite women’s education qualifications, acceptance of women as leaders by 89% of the population, and plenty of women in the pipeline, they continue to be underrepresented in the top ranks of the 10 industry sectors studied. They also are systematically underpaid. The basic question Read the full article…