
Paper- it’s not just for writing or wiping up messes….

Paper- it's not just for writing or wiping up messes....

In my previous post, I mentioned traveling to Stockholm in January (which is definitely not tourist season there).  I had been invited to speak at the Forest Beyond conference sponsored by Innventia, KTH, & Vinnova.  The theme was creating new businesses based on forest products.  My particular talk was on creating a culture of innovation. Read the full article…

“Investing in Iteration Immensely Improves Innovation”

Wise words from Randy Komisar in closing last night’s VLAB session at Stanford in response to a request to provide a lesson on innovation in 6 words It aptly summed up the entire session of “Entrepreneurs Uncensored”.   It’s better to test early and often, quickly discovering what won’t work, correcting and improving upon what will.  Read the full article…

In Trust We Innovate

Trust and innovation are not usually used in the same sentence.  It’s not that they are inherently in opposition but rather that they’re considered in different contexts.  The concept of trust is highlighted in articles about leadership and teamwork while innovation is associated with creativity and risk taking, profits and products.  But ultimately they are Read the full article…

When rocket science isn’t

When I was on an assistant professor of organization behavior at Stanford’s Graduate School of Business, the students (about 30% were engineers) complained about the required class on the subject.  They were there to learn how to be captains of industry.  That meant mastering finance, marketing, accounting, and quantitative analysis, not managing people.   Few “got” Read the full article…