Examples of how diverse individuals can create great change
Some information about 2 of the Singularity team projects that I liked best: Matternet and Ignisolar.
Some information about 2 of the Singularity team projects that I liked best: Matternet and Ignisolar.
Last Friday I had the opportunity to attend the closing session for Singularity University‘s 2011 Graduate School Program. Speakers included Ray Kurzweil and Peter Diamandis (co-founders of Singularity U), Reid Hoffman, and Vinod Khosla along with overviews of the student’s projects. For now, I’ll highlight some of the comments made by Hoffman and Khosla. In my next post, Read the full article…
In my last post, I wrote about Sandra de Castro Buffington who heads Hollywood, Health & Society. I promised a piece where Sandra described things in greater detail. In this audio clip, Sandra provides some detailed examples of how TV has been used to increase awareness of health and safety issues: Sandra–de-Castro-Buffinton_WF2011_ The results have Read the full article…
Yesterday, the world lost Dr. Baruch Blumberg, a lifelong learner, explorer and innovator. Best noted for his winning the Nobel Prize for development of the Hepatitis B vaccine, he had also co-created the field of Astrobiology and actively supported space exploration for its contributions to improving life on earth. Humble, warm and caring- he will be missed by many.
Are the brain structures of men and women the same or different? Does it matter? Here are my thoughts…. what are yours?
With the spread of mobile services to remote areas devoid of internet capability, new opportunities abound. Several talks at TEDxBayArea TEDWomen related to the incredible potential of the mobile market and how women have used and can use it to improve the lives of themselves and others.
The last several weeks I’ve been totally immersed in helping organize TEDxBayArea TEDWomen (designed to coincide with the first global TEDWomen event in Wash, DC). We had about 150 attendees plus an unknown number watching the livestream. Breaks were filled with energized conversations about all manner of topics. It was an exciting day. Like the Read the full article…
One major barrier to innovation is certainty of what can and cannot be done. There are epic tales- like Lord Kelvin, President of the British Royal Society of Science declaring “Heavier than air flying machines are impossible” (1895) just 8 years before the Wright Brothers had their first successful flight. Or, better known- the ‘physiological Read the full article…
During a 2001 company workshop, Volvo employees heard an expert on marketing to women say that women wanted the same things men wanted in a car- and more. According to an article in Edmunds, the consultant said “When you meet the expectations of women, you exceed the expectations of men.” The fact that women influenced Read the full article…